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Most of what is written today in the arena of health is about diet. What we should eat, what diet is ideal, one diet somehow being the best for all people, how many calories we consume and what type etc. I have noted, even in my life, that one thing that is not discussed very much in regards to health is the consumption of anything but food. Let me clarify, we consume many things in our lives through our senses! What we watch, read, how much time we spend indoors, what music we listen to etc. Consumption is also done through the senses: sight, smell, hearing and touch. These senses are also what we use to consume and assimilate various things into our bodies, minds and emotions. After coming to this realization myself, I decided to write up a small blog to outline the consumption of all of one’s senses and to make one more mindful of how these affect our health.



  1. Hearing: what sort of music do you listen to? Music has the amazing ability to change one’s emotional state. I have realized, in my own life, I want to listen to various genres according to how I am feeling at the time. For example, I want to listen to Hard Rock when I am working out. It seems to give me the gusto and motivation to work out! However, becoming aware now that our senses can be so easily influenced by music, I have decided to try to use it to choose my emotional state now, rather than perpetuate an emotional state that is not serving me. For example, now when I am driving I have noticed that listening to classical music keeps me more calm and centered. Hard rock tended to put in in a more negative or unsettled state of mind, I would find I would worry more. Having pondering the question of how music can inspire me, or change my emotions, I have discovered different genres of music that inspire me for various things. For example, listing to Paris Café music while I am cooking in the kitchen!
  2. Sight: how much time have you spent outdoors recently? Have you taken in the beauty of nature? Being outdoors calms me almost instantly. I find that I begin to notice my breathing and would breathe easier simply by being outside. What do you watch on TV, on the internet? Does it upset you? Does it inspire you? I am personally trying to notice what ‘feeds’ me in the area of what I watch. There is ‘junk food’ in the media just as there is in our food. I am a primary seeker of knowledge and beauty. These bring me much joy and feelings of fulfillment. I have been learning that my time and attention is a form of currency. So, I have asked myself, even with some difficulty at times, have I spent my time and attention on something that have fed me in ways I wish to be fed? The best feedback I have found is my emotions. Every person has their own preferences and desires. I think being clear with yourself as to what you really want in your life, makes it easier to be more discerning about what you choose to consume in the various forms of media, and how much.
  3. Smell: I personally, have also been particularly sensitive to harsh chemical and perfume smells since I was young. I would instantly get a headache from them! Having had this issue, I became very aware of the various scents that I used in my home, in my clinic and even on my body. Most essential oils can be very uplifting and beneficial! I particularly notice that citrus scents are great for this. Many people have essential oils and scents that they prefer or get a positive effect from, and others that have a negative effect. This is highly personal. Interestingly enough, I have yet to meet or work with a person that loves and thrives off of the smell of heavy chemicals. I believe that our sense of smell is a great warning signal that can tell us what our physical body can be harmed by if consumed via the olfactory or other senses. I suggest trying to become more aware of your environment in regards to the substances that you use on your body, and of the chemicals that you use to clean your home. How do you feel after you use them? Do you get headaches? Do they agitate you or put you in a poor emotional state? Do any of the substances that you use uplift you and bring you joy? Just take note of your personal observations. There are so many different options out there for relatively chemical and toxic free body and cleansing products to use.
  4. Touch: touch is a sense that I believe many easily dismiss, yet we cannot thrive without it. Bodywork itself is a wonderful example of how important touch can be to bring about healing and vitality! A simple hug can calm the Nervous System almost instantly! But have you ever thought about the clothes that you wear? Does the material feel good on your skin or does it irritate you? I had unfortunately noticed, too late, that my winter coat’s internal liner (when I wasn’t wearing a sweater as a barrier) irritated my skin. To the point that I did not enjoy wearing it and thus when it was a bit warmer out, I would not want to go outside for fear of the agitation!! That was a real eye-opener for me! I have a very soft blanket that I use when I am researching on the internet or reading that makes me feel warm and cozy and hence makes these activities more inviting! Touch and sensation can really influence healing and positive emotions! Examine your environment and determine what brings you upliftment versus what you use just because it is there (…hence I bought a brand new winter coat this year!).

In my experience, what you consume with all of your senses on a regular basis play important roles on your overall health and vitality. You take in so much more than just food that affects your health, so being mindful of all your other senses brings about a more balanced and enlightened view. Being a holistic practitioner, or a person that addresses my patients as a whole, I like to go over many of these different aspects of a person in regards to helping them achieve their optimal health. If you are interested in delving deeper into determining what makes your health thrive on an individual basis, please call my clinic to make an appointment at 519-954-9168 or email at info@stephaniefarwelllnd.ca.


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