Your Weight Loss Journey Begins With A Plan Right? Nope! Here’s What To Start With

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Your Weight Loss Journey Begins With A Plan Right? Nope! Here’s What To Start With

Your Weight Loss Journey Begins With A Plan Right? Nope!

Here’s What To Start With

In the beginning of my weight loss journey, honestly, everything made me hungry! ;)

That was simply because we (as a society) have been conditioned to view weight loss as an activity of deprivation. I was no exception to this rule. This view can activate many different 'shadow' emotions from within.

What do I mean by this?

Have you been feeling terribly overwhelmed but have no way of taking the time out for yourself to rest and regroup? This feeling needs to come out somewhere, and it may be in the form of uncontrollable cravings. Or you mindlessly snacking while watching your favourite 'wind down' Netflix series.  

I know, I get this. I DID THIS TOO.

Despite being trained as a Naturopathic Doctor. Regardless of the fact that most of my days are filled with learning about health, nutrition, psychology-anything to do with overall health! It is one thing to intellectually understand what it is that allows your body to thrive, and it is a whole other thing to be able to apply these principles in your daily life.

Why is this? Shouldn’t an expert know exactly what to do? Logically-they should. So, why not do it?

Isn’t that the question?

Many people that are not trained as Naturopathic Doctors or nutritionists may also have a great interest in health and nutrition. And yet, may still not be thriving because they have not been able to be consistent with the changes required.

Why is that? What is behind this?

If there are life circumstances that bring up feelings, such as being overwhelmed as in the example I stated above, could be a huge source of derailment. How does one deal with this?

Simple. You need to find your WHY. Everyone that needs to make a profound change in life needs to find their why! This is the missing step that can be the difference between your success or a constant spiral leading to the same destination.


If you are not firm in the reasons as to why you need to make a change in your life, anything will easily derail your efforts. Do you have to take your child to swimming tonight? No meal prep done, means you are most likely picking up fast food or take out. Have a patio party to go to? No foresight into what foods will best nourish you and keep you on track, will easily be cast aside when you see that beautiful plate of cupcakes. Now having one cupcake in the long run is NO big deal, but having 3 could cause a snowball effect for some.  

If your WHYs are firm in your mind, your actions will easily follow. Ok, well not super-duper easily follow, but in time this will become part of your new way of being. Time, patience and persistence can be the key. Your why will also allow you to change the deprivation mindset that is so closely associated with weight loss.

It did for me.

You will plan out your meals for the week to ensure that you have a healthy meal on the table the majority of the time, not because it is an arduous chore, but because you love how nourished your body feels!  You will see that plate of cupcakes and will eat none or simply one. The one you eat you will thoroughly enjoy because you made a choice to savour it knowing that it will NOT derail your efforts if you are nourishing your body the majority of the time. You will stay mindful of your actions, rather than reactionary.

Discovering your why allows you to become conscious of all the things that will take you away from your intended goals. Your emotions, a circumstance, a social obligation etc. It will allow you to reframe your mindset to one of empowerment and expansion, rather than miserable deprivation.

It puts you in the driver’s seat.

How do you find your why? Start with the areas in your life that cause you pain. Are you exhausted all of the time, then you want more energy. Is your mind foggy making it hard to concentrate? You want more focus. Does the simple act of picking out your outfit for the day cause you horrible anxiety? Then you need to make a plan to get you to a place where you enjoy and look forward to putting together an outfit, and modeling it to the world!

Let’s find YOUR why:

Get a blank piece of paper and write two columns. Pain (areas you want to change) and pleasure (or things that you want). Fill out the pain points and you will naturally be able to fill in the pleasure points.

THESE are your whys.

Once you put them in writing, sit with them for a bit. It may take a day or even a month for them to really sink in. Be patient. But be persistent in reading them over, feeling them out and imagining the end goals that you want.  

These need to be solidified in your being so that you can move toward what you finally want.

This is the first step. And without this step, one can be well informed and well-intentioned but will be derailed easily. They will constantly be having ‘screw it’ moments during moments of stress or uneasiness that lead to actions that do not coincide with one’s goals.

Start with your WHY and you have truly begun.

P.S. After the WHY has become firm, join my Goldilocks Weight Loss Method for the plan which will open for registration on Monday September 17, 2018 >> www.stephaniefarwellnd.ca!

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