Do you experience breast pain along with your PMS symptoms and menstrual cycle?

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Do you experience breast pain along with your PMS symptoms and menstrual cycle?

Many women suffer from fibrocystic breast pain along with their monthly cycles.

This symptom is a common one among other PMS symptoms, such as lower back pain, fatigue and mood changes.

When one experiences breast pain it can be felt as enlargement, a feeling of heat, a soreness of the nipples, or a lumpiness.

As this can be somewhat disconcerting, these are usually benign symptoms and do not necessarily mean that one has breast cancer. Of course, women should be doing monthly breast exams and go to their Dr. if a new symptom has arisen, or if there is concern. Always trust your instincts and get the care that you need. Get a trusted healthcare practitioner on your wellness team!

Believe it or not, one of the best nutrients for the relief of breast pain is Iodine!

Iodine down-regulates estrogen receptors. As breast tissue is full of these receptors, this nutrient hinders any problematic changes to the breast tissue, as they are not as activated.

Of course, extra iodine can be problematic in thyroid disease or imbalance, so please check your thyroid first!

Best sources of Iodine from food sources:

  • Seaweed (for example Nori)
  • Iodized salt
  • Eggs
  • Shellfish and fish (canned tuna and shrimp for example)

I personally love to get my tuna sushi on a regular basis! I also consume shrimp as well!

If you are interested in further assessment to see if Iodine would be suitable for you, or if you feel you may need a higher dose in the form of supplementation, please book an appointment today!

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