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Dr. Stephanie Farwell - Naturopath, Bowen, Reiki

Stephanie is a licensed and registered Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine with CONO (College of Naturopaths of Ontario). Stephanie Farwell first attended Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, and successfully completed her Honours Bachelor of Science, BSc, in a double major of Biology and Chemistry.

Following her undergraduate degree, she underwent four years of study at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, including a one year internship at the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic. Stephanie was the recipient of the Presidential Award in Botanical Medicine for her graduating class. During her Naturopathic studies she decided to undertake additional study in bodywork for more efficient treatment of pain and body misalignment. Bowen was first introduced to her at the College and she fell in love with the therapy. She was certified in 2006 and has since taken 2 levels of Masters in Bowen courses and additional training with babies, pregnancy and Bowen.

Energy Medicine appeared to be the most logical next step in the bodywork aspect of her practice. Usui Reiki was the energy therapy that she decided to undertake and became a Master and Teacher. As a teacher she endeavors to teach others the aspects and importance of integration of the Spirit, Mind, and Body in holistic health.

Stephanie has a special interest in both fertility, digestion and pain resolution and management. Having studied these various body healing techniques, such as Bowen and acupuncture, she has been able to develop her medical intuitive abilities. This has enabled her to look at her patients as a whole, not only allowing her to identify what their physical bodies require for healing, but also their mental/emotional and spiritual aspects. She is constantly studying in this area to grow as a practitioner and as a person.

Hydration seems to be something that is not regarded as important in your overall health. Let me explain, we ALL know that the body needs to stay hydrated in order to function optimally. Yet, if most people are honest they do not ingest the amount of water that is needed for the proper physiological function. I find that most people will be focused mainly on the diet and lifestyle aspects of their lifestyle, and hydration is not a focus. My patients will tell me that they always intend to drink ...
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Have You Started to Enter Perimenopause? Naturopathic Medicine can Help!
Perimenopause is the phase before entering menopause that has not been well understood, or even talked about! Most women start to notice changes in their menstrual cycles between the ages of 35-50 years of age. Their periods may become irregular (either shorter or longer), their memory may not be as sharp and those stubborn pounds won’t budge. Naturopathic Medicine can help!
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GOOD HEALTH STARTS WITH PROPER AND EFFICIENT DIGESTION Good health starts with healthy digestion! Your digestive ѕуѕtеm iѕ оnе оf thе most important ѕуѕtеmѕ in уоur whole body – if уоur body cannot properly digest аnd absorb nutriеntѕ аnd еliminаtе wаѕtе рrоduсtѕ, then it’ѕ nеаrlу imроѕѕiblе to асhiеvе орtimаl health. Digestive disorders are common, even if the dysfunction is more subtle like heartburn. Common digеѕtivе issues inсludе in...
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Many people think that you do a detox only a few times a year. The body needs to cleanse daily in order to function optimally. If one’s body is unable to clear itself of toxins on a regular basis dysfunction can occur. Toxic build up can lead to subtle illnesses, such as sinusitis, to more severe degenerative, inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis. When the body’s elimination pathways, such as the colon, become impeded and unable to function properly, a person can no longer absorb the ess...
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Most health blogs will discuss diet, various foods, exercises, supplements and various modalities. These are all essential components to one’s overall health pursuit. One topic rarely addressed is creativity. How can one express themselves in the world in creative ways allowing for energy to be used in productive and even nourishing ways. What the heck do I mean by that?
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When most people hear or even learn about detoxification it is almost always related to cleansing the various body’s organs via nutritional and herbal or homeopathic drainage routes. Spring is an ideal time to undertake these detoxes, which I will do a future blog about. However, I have noted that detoxification of one’s environment and mental/emotional body are not covered extensively. These aspects also directly affect one’s well-being substantially. So I put a list of various detox ideas o...
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Feeling Anxious or Stressed? Here Are Some Tips To Help!
I have noted an enhanced sense of anxiety or stress in my patients as of late. So, I decided to make a video with various tips on how to address this. ! If you’d like a personalized assessment and plan, please contact my clinic at info@stephaniefarwellnd.ca!
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The winter season can be so beautiful! There is nothing like the feeling of looking at the soft falling of a dust of snow on a late winter’s night. Having a steaming cup of hot cocoa after a long winter’s walk. Yet, on the flip side, this time of year can be a challenging time for us Canadians! Having to bundle up just to fetch your mail that is a mere 2 minutes away from your doorstep, travel plans being easily deterred due to last minute snow squalls, and sightings of the sun can be sparse.
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5 Tips for Weight Loss Post Holidays
The holidays tend to be a favourite time of the year for most people! You get to have a break from the regular hustle and bustle of one’s schedule, family and friend get togethers are more frequent, and it is a great time to refresh and re-set for the new year to come! Unfortunately, the break from your regular schedule also comes with a pretty drastic change in your diet and lifestyle. The amazing parties and get togethers are usually accompanied by richer foods and drinks. As wonderful as thi...
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Most people that know me, know I that I prefer to drink coffee over tea. Perhaps because my parents were both coffee drinkers. I honestly never drank coffee until I was studying for my Naturopathic final board exams (ironically enough!). The one tea that I would set aside my morning cup of Joe for would be ginger tea (peppermint tea being a close second!). Ginger has such wonderful warming, invigorating and soothing qualities to it. This spice is easily obtained and is a very affordable to make ...
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