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Dr. Stephanie Farwell - Naturopath, Bowen, Reiki

Stephanie is a licensed and registered Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine with CONO (College of Naturopaths of Ontario). Stephanie Farwell first attended Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, and successfully completed her Honours Bachelor of Science, BSc, in a double major of Biology and Chemistry.

Following her undergraduate degree, she underwent four years of study at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, including a one year internship at the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic. Stephanie was the recipient of the Presidential Award in Botanical Medicine for her graduating class. During her Naturopathic studies she decided to undertake additional study in bodywork for more efficient treatment of pain and body misalignment. Bowen was first introduced to her at the College and she fell in love with the therapy. She was certified in 2006 and has since taken 2 levels of Masters in Bowen courses and additional training with babies, pregnancy and Bowen.

Energy Medicine appeared to be the most logical next step in the bodywork aspect of her practice. Usui Reiki was the energy therapy that she decided to undertake and became a Master and Teacher. As a teacher she endeavors to teach others the aspects and importance of integration of the Spirit, Mind, and Body in holistic health.

Stephanie has a special interest in both fertility, digestion and pain resolution and management. Having studied these various body healing techniques, such as Bowen and acupuncture, she has been able to develop her medical intuitive abilities. This has enabled her to look at her patients as a whole, not only allowing her to identify what their physical bodies require for healing, but also their mental/emotional and spiritual aspects. She is constantly studying in this area to grow as a practitioner and as a person.

Heartburn - Can It Be Helped With Food and LIfestyle?
The odds are that you or someone you know experiences heartburn. Around half of North American adults experience it at least once per month. Somewhere between 10-20% have it at least once per week! Heartburn, also known as reflux, occurs when the strong acid in your stomach creeps up into your esophagus.
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5 Reasons You Bloat More After Age 45
Bloating is generally the result of not being able to properly digest foods. These not-so-digested foods feel like they’re just sitting around causing discomfort and a general feeling of being stuffed and “gassy”. It can happen at any age but it seems to be more frequent as you’re getting older. This is sometimes due to the stomach’s reduced ability to produce enough acid for proper digestion. Normally, when we eat, cells in our stomach release more acid which is important for so many dige...
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Weight Loss-at it again

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Weight Loss-at it again
So those of you that have been following me know that I had lost 40 lbs. over 4 years ago now. Wow, that seems so long ago. I can happily declare that I have been able to keep that weight off with little effort. However, I have come around to realising that I have not reached my goal entirely. I still want to lose 20-25 more lbs.
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Fertility and Oxidative Stress

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Fertility and Oxidative Stress
Did you know oxidative stress can be linked to fertility issues? What is oxidative stress? It is an imbalance between the free radicals in your body and antioxidants. While free radicals have a role in your body to aid in the fighting of pathogens, they can have a damaging effect.
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5 top foods for thyroid

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5 top foods for thyroid
The thyroid is a very important gland that releases hormones for performing various body functions. Any imbalance in its secretions and malfunctioning of thyroid can cause several health issues. Your body requires a balanced amount of certain hormones. Both the overproduction and underproduction can be harmful to your body and can badly affect the normal body functioning. For instance, it affects the fertility, mood and body weight as well.There can be several reasons for the malfunctioning of t...
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The Fertility Paradigm needs to change!
I have been reading so many different stories about people’s fertility journeys outside of my clinic. I wanted to get my finger on the pulse of the industry.Here is my concerning assessment.It is heartbreaking, a struggle and void of any play or joy.I do not make this statement lightly.This shocked me. It really did.You see, in my clinic, this is not the predominant story.Sure, when people come in struggling with fertility, there is a certain heaviness there.At first.And yet, that is NOT w...
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Does IVF fill you with Dread? Maybe it should. There is another option!
I got a call the other day. A woman crying. She just blurted all that she had been through recently, trying to get pregnant. And yet again, failing. She expressed how confused and sad she was to me.My heart felt her pain. I just listened for a moment. Giving her the space to unload her burden.She told me that she found me online and was hoping that I would be answer to her prayers.She was desperate and would try absolutely anything to get pregnant!I told her I was. I then proceeded to tell her a...
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Do you want your story or do you want a baby?
Harsh I know. But if you can hear me out, you will become unstuck.You will finally move in the direction of what you want.Your womb is for creation. To hold a life to birth it.Did you ever consider that you will be using your womb energy to birth a story instead of your baby?What have you placed in your womb of creation?A story of struggle? Of always being abandoned? Fears of pregnancy or infertility?What you put in your womb will develop and will grow.If you feed the story more, it will continu...
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Should you put all of your hopes, money and faith in IVF first?
When you are struggling with fertility, your first instinct may be to go straight to a Fertility clinic that provides IVF or other fertility technologies.You think that endless sets of cold tests and assessments will give you the answer to your struggle.After 16 years of working with many couples on infertility, I can tell you from personal experience that If a woman’s hormones are out of whack, if her body and/or mindset does not allow for a pregnancy to occur or to keep, IVF may be of li...
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Womb Energetics

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Womb Energetics
Womb Energetics-what is it and how it affects your fertility!What the heck is Womb Energetics you ask?It is a term that I have come up with that explains the important energy dynamics that needs to occur within a womb that allows for conception to occur.You see, pregnancy is not just some random physical occurrence. If that were the case, IVF should be successful every time!Think about it.Conception is a not only about hormones, but a divine dance of the energetics of the feminine and masculine ...
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