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Dr. Stephanie Farwell - Naturopath, Bowen, Reiki

Stephanie is a licensed and registered Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine with CONO (College of Naturopaths of Ontario). Stephanie Farwell first attended Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, and successfully completed her Honours Bachelor of Science, BSc, in a double major of Biology and Chemistry.

Following her undergraduate degree, she underwent four years of study at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, including a one year internship at the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic. Stephanie was the recipient of the Presidential Award in Botanical Medicine for her graduating class. During her Naturopathic studies she decided to undertake additional study in bodywork for more efficient treatment of pain and body misalignment. Bowen was first introduced to her at the College and she fell in love with the therapy. She was certified in 2006 and has since taken 2 levels of Masters in Bowen courses and additional training with babies, pregnancy and Bowen.

Energy Medicine appeared to be the most logical next step in the bodywork aspect of her practice. Usui Reiki was the energy therapy that she decided to undertake and became a Master and Teacher. As a teacher she endeavors to teach others the aspects and importance of integration of the Spirit, Mind, and Body in holistic health.

Stephanie has a special interest in both fertility, digestion and pain resolution and management. Having studied these various body healing techniques, such as Bowen and acupuncture, she has been able to develop her medical intuitive abilities. This has enabled her to look at her patients as a whole, not only allowing her to identify what their physical bodies require for healing, but also their mental/emotional and spiritual aspects. She is constantly studying in this area to grow as a practitioner and as a person.

What to do About a Leaky Gut

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What to do About a Leaky Gut
Leaky gut is also known as increased intestinal permeability. It's when the cells lining our intestines (gut) separate a bit from each other. They're supposed to be nice and tightly joined to the cell beside it; this is to allow certain things into our bodies (like nutrients), and keep other things out. When the tight junctions between intestinal cells weaken it can cause the gut to be more permeable - leakier - than normal. When this happens, it allows things into our bodies that sh...
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Creating a Mindset for Health

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Creating a Mindset for Health
So much of health is all about habits and actions, but where do these all stem from? What if we don’t have to make as many changes as we think we do? What if there was one powerful thing that makes a lot of difference? That thing is mindset. Mindset is sometimes called “the story we tell ourselves.” It’s our attitude toward things in our life. And we have control over our mindset.
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Prebiotics 101

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Prebiotics 101
Yes! They’re the food that we feed our probiotics, the friendly gut microbes that are oh so important for good health. Our gut microbes are alive, and they need to eat too. Their favourite foods are called “prebiotics” and include dietary fibre and resistant starch. The same fibre that keeps us feeling full, slows down digestion and provides roughage that keeps us regular. Resistant starch helps promote healthy blood lipids. Both of types of prebiotics (fibre and resistant starch) are link...
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Vitamin K: The Amazing Nutrient You’ve Probably Never Heard Of
Vitamin what? K? Yup! Why’d they skip vitamins F, G, H, I & J? Great question! That's because the "K" stands for "koagulation" which is the Danish spelling for "coagulation." Vitamin K is the vitamin that helps the blood to clot or coagulate. And that's just the tip of the iceberg of what this amazing, underappreciated vitamin does for our bodies.
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Your Thyroid: Foods and Nutrients to Help
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in your neck that releases hormones. Thyroid hormones help your body regulate a few things - not a big deal - just the metabolism of ALL cells. And this is critical for maintaining a healthy body weight and having the energy to live your life.
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I'm Sick. What Can I Do (Naturally)?

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I'm Sick. What Can I Do (Naturally)?
Getting a common cold doesn’t have to be so… common. There are things you can do naturally to make getting sick less likely. But, if you do happen to get sick, there are things you can also do to help support your body to fight it off.
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What Will It Take For You To Start?
What will it take for you to start? Interesting question isn’t it? It is a bit of a challenging one too… What will it take for me to start? How do YOU know that I need to start anything? I like it the way things are! I am comfortable. Leave me alone!
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What to Eat for Healthy Skin

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What to Eat for Healthy Skin
There are so many things that can go wrong with the skin: dryness, redness, blemishes, etc. Healthy skin is a reflection of internal health. There are many creams and cosmetics to put on top of your skin. But, there are also lots of things you can do to nurture and nourish your skin to better health from the inside.
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Green Tea vs. Black Tea

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Green Tea vs. Black Tea
Tea is said to be the most popular beverage in the world. It’s been consumed for thousands of years by millions, perhaps billions, of people. Tea has also been shown to have many health benefits. And some of these benefits are thought to be related to tea’s antioxidant properties. These properties are from its flavonoids known as “catechins.” Flavonoids are anti-inflammatory and have a range of health benefits that I talk about in this post.
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The True Health Benefits of Exercise
Exercise. It can improve your health on all levels. We’re not just talking about being fitter and stronger. We’re talking about overall health and longevity. Regular exercise improves your heart health, brain health, muscle and bone health, diabetes, and arthritis. Beyond those, it also reduces stress, boosts moods, increases your energy, and can improve your sleep. And exercise prevents death from any cause (“all cause mortality”).
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