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Dr. Stephanie Farwell - Naturopath, Bowen, Reiki

Stephanie is a licensed and registered Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine with CONO (College of Naturopaths of Ontario). Stephanie Farwell first attended Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, and successfully completed her Honours Bachelor of Science, BSc, in a double major of Biology and Chemistry.

Following her undergraduate degree, she underwent four years of study at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, including a one year internship at the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic. Stephanie was the recipient of the Presidential Award in Botanical Medicine for her graduating class. During her Naturopathic studies she decided to undertake additional study in bodywork for more efficient treatment of pain and body misalignment. Bowen was first introduced to her at the College and she fell in love with the therapy. She was certified in 2006 and has since taken 2 levels of Masters in Bowen courses and additional training with babies, pregnancy and Bowen.

Energy Medicine appeared to be the most logical next step in the bodywork aspect of her practice. Usui Reiki was the energy therapy that she decided to undertake and became a Master and Teacher. As a teacher she endeavors to teach others the aspects and importance of integration of the Spirit, Mind, and Body in holistic health.

Stephanie has a special interest in both fertility, digestion and pain resolution and management. Having studied these various body healing techniques, such as Bowen and acupuncture, she has been able to develop her medical intuitive abilities. This has enabled her to look at her patients as a whole, not only allowing her to identify what their physical bodies require for healing, but also their mental/emotional and spiritual aspects. She is constantly studying in this area to grow as a practitioner and as a person.

How Much Sugar is Too Much?

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How Much Sugar is Too Much?
It’s official! Organizations and governments are (finally) declaring a maximum amount of daily sugar intake. While this is a step forward, there are still a few problems. One - they don’t all agree with each other. And, two, I don’t necessarily agree with them either. We all know sugar is NOT a health food. It isn’t full of nutrition, and excess consumption is not associated with great health.
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Why Am I Always Hungry?

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Why Am I Always Hungry?
There are many reasons to feel hungry. Of course, the most obvious one is that you are actually physically hungry. Perhaps your stomach is empty, your blood sugar has dropped, and your hunger hormones are having a party. See the following blog that addresses blood sugar:
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Multivitamins: Are They Really a Waste of Money?
Multivitamins are exactly what they sound like: multiple vitamins. They're supplements that contain several different vitamins in each one. They can also contain several minerals and other ingredients like amino acids or fatty acids. And because there are multiple ingredients, there are low doses of each ingredient. In fact, they are the most commonly used supplements in the world! There are 13 vitamins and at least 16 minerals that are essential to health. You need certain amounts of ...
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5 Quick and Easy Self-care Tips for Busy Women
For busy women, self-care can feel like an unaffordable luxury. Self-care is often advertised as long weekends spent at the beach, a trip to the spa, or even hours spent on exercise. In reality, though, self-care can be anything (small or big) you do to give your body attention. Which is why the following self-care tips won’t take more than 10 minutes of your time while still having a big impact on your body.
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Ketogenic Diet 101

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Ketogenic Diet 101
The ketogenic diet is a very low carb, very high-fat diet. It has recently gained a lot of popularity in the wellness sphere because of some of its health benefits. A ketogenic diet has been shown to help some people lose weight (yes, even with high fat). It can also help improve certain health conditions, like epilepsy in children. Read on for some of the lowdown on how it reprograms your metabolism (for “ketosis”), and whether or not it’s something for you to consider.
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Mindfulness and Meditation...Do They Really Work?
Well...yes, they do really work. The fact is, science shows definite health benefits for people who use mindfulness and meditation. Before we dive in, let’s just make sure we’re on the same page when we say “mindfulness” and “meditation.” “Meditation” is the ancient practice of connecting the body and mind to become more self-aware and present. It’s often used to calm the mind, ease stress, and relax the body. Practicing “mindfulness” is one of the most popular ways to medit...
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Here's How to Make Cooking More Fun
If you don’t love cooking, maybe I can help to make it more fun for you? I know that sometimes I don't find cooking to be all that fun. I can get into a rut just like everyone else. So that's why I've listed my best "fun" cooking tips for you.
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Heartburn - Can I Help it with Foods and Lifestyle?
The odds are that you or someone you know experiences heartburn. Around half of North American adults experience it at least once per month. Somewhere between 10-20% have it at least once per week! Heartburn, also known as reflux, occurs when the strong acid in your stomach creeps up into your esophagus. It can feel like a burning sensation; hence the name "heartburn." Other common symptoms include bloating, burping, difficulty swallowing, or a sore throat. Often there is a bitte...
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The Truth Behind Artificial Sweeteners
You probably know the negative health effects of eating too much sugar, especially "added sugars" like in soda pop, candy, baked goods, and many commercially-available cereals, just to name a few. Added sugar is hiding just about everywhere in the grocery store. Yes, ingesting refined sugar spikes your blood sugar and insulin, and increases your risk for a whole host of health issues.
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What is the Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load?
Glycemic this and glycemic that. Does it matter? You'll notice that they both begin with "glycemic." That's one tip that they have to do with sugars and carbs. Not only how much sugar is in foods, but more importantly, how it affects your blood sugar levels. In general, diets that are high on the glycemic index (GI) and high in glycemic load (GL), tend to increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease.
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