Most of what is written today in the arena of health is about diet. What we should eat, what diet is ideal, one diet somehow being the best for all people, how many calories we consume and what type etc. I have noted, even in my life, that one thing that is not discussed very much in regards to health is the consumption of anything but food. Let me clarify, we consume many things in our lives through our senses! What we watch, read, how much time we spend indoors, what music we listen to etc. Co...
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Many of my patients know that I have been practicing a technique called Bowen Therapy for more than 12 years now. I like to integrate Bowen into many of my Naturopathic treatments because when the structure of the body is aligned properly and is unencumbered, the body is able to detox and heal faster. I always remember that structure influences function in the body. An aligned body is a healthier and higher functioning one.
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Ah…the underestimated and underutilized Castor Oil Pack. To be honest, I didn’t even know these existed until I went to the Naturopathic College. I wish I had. In my early 20’s I had a long stint of antibiotic use, being ignorant of the long-term consequences at the time, which put my digestion into an uncontrollable tailspin. To put it in a Coles notes version, I had what is called a pilonidal cyst form on my tailbone. Every flare-up made it so uncomfortable that I could barely move or even ...
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Bodywork: An Essential Tool for Overall Health
Holistic medicine means treating a person as a whole. For one to experience true wellness, they need to address their spiritual, mental, emotional and physical well-being. Bodywork covers all of these aspects of a person as a whole! I have been trained in Acupuncture, Reiki and Bowen which I add in to many treatments to allow me to treat my patients holistically. So, I decided to make a video with the many benefits of bodywork…
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Beat the Autumn Blues!

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Beat the Autumn Blues!
This time of year can be so beautiful. The air has a more crisp and clean texture to it. The leaves are starting to change to a multitude of different shades of gorgeous reds and yellows. And most of the time, the air conditioners can be shut off so we can bust the windows wide open to let the fresh air circulate throughout our homes. Yet, the daylight starts to fade sooner and sooner each night. Our morning light comes later and later each dawn. And you start to feel, well, a little ‘off’. No...
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Cortisol-Friend Or Foe?

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Cortisol-Friend Or Foe?
This innocent hormone, one that can do us great benefit, and yet can do us a huge detriment. So which is it? Is cortisol our friend or our foe? It is both. The balance of it, like all hormones in the body, are essential in the balance and overall health of the body.  Let’s break down how this hormone works in the body, why it is important and when it can actually be damaging to human physiology.
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Ancient Medicine-Could It Be A Modern Solution?
Infertility is a term we're all secretly afraid of, especially when one tries to conceive but efforts don't seem to come to fruition for a while. If this is the case, one may begin to sink into negative thoughts, and begin to feel disempowered and disenchanted with the process.
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Sleeping issues are common! Naturopathic Medicine can help!
Sleeping issues, such as trouble falling asleep and waking multiple times at night, are becoming more prevalent. In my Waterloo Naturopathic clinic, I have noticed these issues are becoming more and more common in my patients. So, I decided to make a video with a few simple tips that I have seen worked well with my patients. Naturopathic Doctors are trained to uncover, on an individual basis, the particular reason(s) for sleep problems. If you'd like to get a personalized assessment and plan to ...
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Stressed out? Naturopathic medicine may have a solution!
Feeling overwhelmed and overworked? I put a short video together to explain how Naturopathic medicine can help you in dealing with your many stressors.
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Feeling overwhelmed? Are your muscles constantly feeling clamped up? Is your mind constantly running and you have trouble shutting down the chatter? You’re not alone…
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