Red Wine - Is it really good for you, or just health hype?
If you’ve heard that red wine is one of the healthiest of all alcoholic beverages, it’s for good reason. Thanks to the antioxidants found in the skins of grapes from which it’s made, red wine has been widely publicized as being “healthful”. The kind of antioxidants found in red wine, like RESVERATROL, have powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
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SIBO: what is it, and how do I know if I have it?
There may be something lurking within your gut, when and where you least expect it. You’re probably already in tune with keeping the large intestine healthy, balanced and well- populated with good bacteria (got probiotics?). But, what about the health of the small intestine that is located before it in the digestive tract?
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4 Easy Ways to Beat Fatigue...Naturally!
In today’s world, we are constantly on the go, a steady state “busy-ness” is the norm, and we’re always running from one responsibility to the next - literally! So, it’s no wonder that physical fatigue is such a common complaint. The good news is that there are some really simple (and natural) ways to increase your energy so you can keep up with your busy life.
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10 signs you may have a hormone imbalance - and what to do about it
Hormones are like chemical messengers, and govern nearly every cellular action in our body. While very important, our sex hormones like estrogen, progesterone and testosterone, are actually not essential for our survival. They’re responsible for sexual functioning and fertility, as well as in more of a “beauty” capacity - keeping our skin, hair & nails vital and youthful looking.
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Pros and Cons of Elimination Diets

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Pros and Cons of Elimination Diets
Our digestive system is a huge portal into our bodies. Lots of things can get in there that aren't always good for us. And because the system is so complex (knowing which tiny molecules to absorb, and which keep out), lots can go wrong. And that's one reason why 70% of our immune system lives in and around our digestive system.
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How To Beat Negative Self-talk and Limiting Beliefs
A little self-criticism is a normal shared human mental pattern, and can even be healthy for the most part. But, we can also just as easily open the door to that overly vocal “negative nelly” voice in our head. However, if your negative voice is preventing you from doing what you want or need to do in your life, then it has to get booted back out the door. This kind of mental chatter has no right to set up shop in your mind.
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Raw vs. Cooked - Which Contains More Vitamins and Minerals?
Let’s finally put an end to the debate of raw vs. cooked. Of course, in the grand scheme of a well-balanced, nutrient-dense, varied, whole foods diet, the cooked vs. raw debate isn't that critical for most people.
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Can My Symptoms Actually Be a Food Intolerance?
Food intolerances or "sensitivities" can affect you in so many ways. And they’re a lot more common than most people think. I'm not talking about anaphylaxis or immediate allergic reactions that involve an immune response. Those can be serious and life-threatening. If you have any allergies, you need to steer clear of any traces of foods you are allergic to, and speak with your doctor or pharmacist about emergency medication, if necessary.
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Thickeners - What You Need to Know

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Thickeners - What You Need to Know
Thickeners are one of many ingredients added to processed foods. And they do just that: thicken. They absorb water and form a gel-like consistency. They’re often used to make foods thick and creamy, without having to add a lot of fat.
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Intermittent fasting 101: What is it and will it help me lose weight?
In a nutshell, intermittent fasting is just that: fasting intermittently. It's limiting calorie intake during certain hours/day or days/week. It's more of an eating pattern than a diet. It limits when to eat, and not so much what to eat. And that’s part of it’s appeal to people who don’t want to count calories or use their food log to track everything.
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