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Are you Ready to Take Control Over Your Fertility?

Are you struggling to grow your family?

Isn’t it time to stop guessing, and finally understand what the heck is happening with your hormones?

Have you given up checking ovulation tests and spending way too much money on pregnancy tests because nothing is working?

Are you just OVER the endless appointments and consultations, leaving you feel like your entire life revolves around the doctor’s office?


This just does NOT need to be so difficult…

The most important piece that I need to stress to you is that You Are NOT Alone!

I know that it feels like you are.

 I know that you’re constantly thinking about it… when your next period hopefully won’t come… when you can test for ovulation… when you can take your next pregnancy test…

 It’s more thought consuming that you ever thought it would be.

And it’s affecting you!
It’s affecting your sleep...

It’s affecting your relationship…
It’s affecting your mental health!

I’m here to tell you that it is possible to balance out your hormones and successfully conceive.

Stephanie Farwell ND

Hi! I’m Dr. Stephanie Farwell, Naturopathic Doctor, Bowen Therapist and Reiki Master.

I have been in practice for 15 years helping women like you successfully conceive! It is my passion and life’s mission to aid women in attaining their dream of motherhood!

I decided to focus my healing practice around women’s health and fertility because I saw so many women struggle with their health, hormones and now struggle with their fertility!

It is heart-wrenching to hear the stories that women have trying to become a mother. The COST alone, not only of the fertility treatments, but to their mental health, their physical health. To their marriage was undeniable. This cost came with no return before they came to see me!

In fact, let’s go over the various costs.

My Angel Fertility Clinic is usually all that is needed to get your body prepared to get pregnant naturally. Not only that, it is a more balanced, holistic, warm and lovingly supportive way! Many of my clients have tried 2 rounds of IVF before coming to see me! Do the math, that is $40,000 PLUS the toll on their body, mind, hormones, emotions and marriage!

Welcome to your first step to getting pregnant

This is my secret sauce that I have used in my clinic for over a decade to get women pregnant. The women that were told that it would be impossible, That it would never happen, Women that had suffered several miscarriages before, That had physical issues, such as endometriosis and PCOS. That were told by Experts that they didn’t know why they couldn’t conceive.

Taking a body, mind and soul approach to your fertility. To empower you once again in your arduous journey. This IS the solution that you felt was so out of reach for you. The miracle that you have been praying for. My Angel Fertility Program covers ALL aspects of fertility in a complete system! It covers not only your physical aspects to fertility, but also the mental/emotional AND energetic ones as well!

In a system that has never been done before. You will not only receive preconception information that is needed for you to understand your fertility, cycle and hormones! This comes in 7 modules that cover the many fertility blocks that are not addressed: such as blood sugar, cycle issues, egg health, sperm motility etc.! This is all the information you will need to take your power back in regards to your fertility!

I also have written an ebook that goes over the various disempowering beliefs, energy leaks and how to address and remedy them. This book also includes the secret meditation that I teach my clients to connect with the spirit of the baby that will be born to them! Once this channel is open, many answers will be revealed to you as the path you need to go or the little changes you need to make that will make a difference!

Now last but not least, the energetic side. This is never addressed in regards to fertility in the fertility clinics. This is a KEY missing piece that can make the difference between success and failure. I started to realize this, as a Reiki Master in my clinic that this is a important component that needs to be added into the journey that means success. I know this from a case that I had over the pandemic.

Here is an amazing story of one of my clients, we will call her Charlotte.

During my initial fertility assessment, she outlined her heartbreaking fertility journey. Over 5 long years, prior to coming to see me, she told me that she had 2 unsuccessful rounds of IVFs, multiple rounds of IUI and 6 miscarriages! Her longest pregnancy was 13 weeks, her body just couldn’t hold a pregnancy. Thousands of dollars later, heartbreak and little support. She didn’t know where to turn, and if her dream of having a baby was just ‘not meant to be’ for her. On basic physical assessment, the only factor that may have been affecting her ability to become and stay pregnant-her thyroid was now normal. Her body simply could not hold a pregnancy, but there was no ‘explanation.’ She told me that at this point, she only wanted to try the natural approach, no more cold clinics and tests. After our assessment, I told her where she needed to focus (all in the Angel Fertility program). I told her that we would be doing acupuncture/Reiki twice a month, in line with her cycle. In doing so, I could work on her energy blocks and heal her womb of the trauma of her multiple pregnancy loses. It would also open up her womb and change its story of trauma, disappointment and loss. I acknowledged her all she had went through, all of the pain and anguish. I told her that is all over, you are with me now. We will start afresh, anew. After 7 months in my Angel Fertility program, she was pregnant!! She was nervous of course, but I reminded her, that is NOT the story we are writing! I would walk with her every step of the way throughout her pregnancy. We continued her acupuncture and Reiki treatments, to continue supporting her body and keeping her stress down (cortisol works against progesterone that is needed for a pregnancy). When the pandemic hit, I was not able to do acupuncture, so we did online check-ins, and distant Reiki healing. I would gently cocoon her and her baby to protect them from all outside influences. I developed my own unique technique during this time directed by my Spirit helpers and Angels to allow her to carry full term! She carried full-term and had a healthy baby girl!

Her story had been re-written! This is when I developed the Grace Womb Activation Technique that allowed her womb to finally clear and HOLD the pregnancy (as she was pregnant many times before).

I found it-the missing piece for so many women!!

So I decided to make this Grace Womb Activation Technique available to those that are not able to come to my clinic! This needs to be available to all that need these upgrades for their fertility journey to be completed-for them to finally have a healthy, full term pregnancy!!

This technique clears up negative energies in the womb, strengthens it and allows for healthy implantation and womb protection during a pregnancy to occur. This technique is so potent that it will help women that have suffered from:

  • miscarriages
  • sexual abuse
  • multiple medical procedures, such as IUI and IVF
  • very high stress lifestyles (CEOs, entrepreneurs) or stressful family situations

And many more!

I have added this potent meditation/activation session to the program so it is now a COMPLETE FERTILITY SYSTEM. These sessions will be the final piece of the puzzle for you. And best yet, you can do it along with any other treatments you are undergoing, such as IVF and IUI, and you can do so in the comfort and sanctity of your own home and time schedule. They are infused with the energy technique that I used on countless women in my clinic to become successful in becoming pregnant! Many not needing IVF or IUI, and yet if they were already on that path, helped it to be successful. It is like you will be on the table in my office. Under loving care and Grace.

These sessions are $300 a month in my office. Used over the months needed until pregnancy success. You will be getting them, along with my entire Angel Fertility program for $997!


This is everything that you will receive in the program:


1. The Angel Fertiilty Ebook:

The Angel Fertility EBook helps you to uncover the beliefs, or energy blocks that could be hindering your ability to conceive. This inner work may be essential for your success!

This eBook also includes the Pregnancy Manifestation and open up communication with your baby exercises!!


2. 7 Fertility Modules that Cover all the Basics of Fertility:

MODULE 1: Overview of the Basics - Understanding your Fertility-we’ll be going over the ‘birds and the bees’ and all of the essential components for successful conception. Even small misunderstandings of the basics can be causing unnecessary struggle.

MODULE 2: You Cycle and Fertility Signs - this alone is GOLD! You will be learning about each important hormone in your cycle. You begin to understand the different phases of the cycle and how to properly track them. You will uncover whether you are ovulating or not and how to track your cycle. If you are not ovulating, it is impossible to get pregnant. Period. The magical time of your cycle for optimal fertility will also finally be uncovered.

MODULE 3: The Optimal Fertility Diet - you will learn the optimal foods to create the hormone balance that you need to conceive and to carry a pregnancy. There are so many essential nutrients that you AND your baby will need. This is preconception health-a super healthy mama equals a super healthy baby!

MODULE 4: Herbs and Supplements - will be a general overview of the various herbs and supplements that can be used in fertility and why. When one knows the ‘why’ they are more likely to really be excited and participate in the healing process and/or Program.

MODULE 5: Blood Sugar Imbalance and Chronic Inflammation - you will learn how your blood sugar and underlying inflammation can be adversely affecting your ability to become pregnant, why and what to do to solve it! This will not only help you with your hormonal balance, but will also truly optimize your long term health. This can also possibly prevent serious complications during pregnancy that are caused by blood sugar issues, such as maternal damage to the nerves and blood vessels. In the baby, it can lead to an increased risk of excessive birth weight, early (preterm) birth, even obesity or type 2 diabetes later on in life.

MODULE 6: Oxidative Stress and Toxins - you will learn what oxidative stress is and why it is important to reduce it for your hormonal health! We will uncover how your beloved beauty products and cleansers could be sabotaging your success. I will teach you about ‘cleaner’ alternatives not only for you, but also for the environment.

MODULE 7: Last but not least you will be going over simple Stress Management and why cortisol is the enemy of progesterone and how to fix it! This module is surprisingly one of the most important one to embrace, as simplistic as it is. Many women that I see in my clinic are either type A or in extraordinarily stressful work environments. This needs to be addressed for fertility flourish! Having a fertility mindset and lifestyle help immensely in this journey.

Along with these 3 exciting BONUSES!!

BONUS #1-Basal Body Temperature Chart- so that you can accurately chart your cycle!

BONUS #2: ’10 Simple Steps to Reduce Toxins’ handout!

BONUS #3: Fertility Affirmations-so that you can work on the essential part of getting your FERTILITY MINDSET!


3. 2 Grace Womb Activations mp3-never developed before!

It also contains my NEW Angel Fertility Grace Womb Activation mp3s that you can use to energetically prepare your womb for pregnancy in the comfort of your own home. It includes one that will be done prior to ovulation and one to open up the womb in preparation for pregnancy.

I developed this technique n my clinic as a result of the following case:

During my initial fertility assessment, she outlined her heartbreaking fertility journey. Over 5 long years, prior to coming to see me, she told me that she had 2 unsuccessful rounds of IVFs, multiple rounds of IUI and 6 miscarriages! Her longest pregnancy was 13 weeks, her body just couldn’t hold a pregnancy. Thousands of dollars later, heartbreak and little support. She didn’t know where to turn, and if her dream of having a baby was just ‘not meant to be’ for her. On basic physical assessment, the only factor that may have been affecting her ability to become and stay pregnant-her thyroid was now normal. Her body simply could not hold a pregnancy, but there was no ‘explanation.’ She told me that at this point, she only wanted to try the natural approach, no more cold clinics and tests. After our assessment, I told her where she needed to focus (all in the Angel Fertility program). I told her that we would be doing acupuncture/Reiki twice a month, in line with her cycle. In doing so, I could work on her energy blocks and heal her womb of the trauma of her multiple pregnancy loses. It would also open up her womb and change its story of trauma, disappointment and loss. I acknowledged her all she had went through, all of the pain and anguish. I told her that is all over, you are with me now. We will start afresh, anew. After 7 months in my Angel Fertility program, she was pregnant!! She was nervous of course, but I reminded her, that is NOT the story we are writing! I would walk with her every step of the way throughout her pregnancy. We continued her acupuncture and Reiki treatments, to continue supporting her body and keeping her stress down (cortisol works against progesterone that is needed for a pregnancy). When the pandemic hit, I was not able to do acupuncture, so we did online check-ins, and distant Reiki healing. I would gently cocoon her and her baby to protect them from all outside influences. I developed my own unique technique during this time directed by my Spirit helpers and Angels to allow her to carry full term! She carried full-term and had a healthy baby girl!

Her story had been re-written! This is when I developed the Grace Womb Activation Technique that allowed her womb to finally clear and HOLD the pregnancy (as she was pregnant many times before).

I found it-the missing piece for so many women!!

So I decided to make this Grace Womb Activation Technique available to those that are not able to come to my clinic! This needs to be available to all that need these upgrades for their fertility journey to be completed-for them to finally have a healthy, full term pregnancy!!

These can be used over and over until you achieve your pregnancy!

My Angel Fertility System has been developed as a preconception program to be used to naturally attain a pregnancy, or can be used in conjunction with IVF or IUI.

It is the only holistic system that covers your Body, Mind and Spirit!

I invite you to join me in my Angel Fertility Program.

Breathe a sigh of relief. Lie Down. Know that you are in the hands of an experienced energy Master and Healer that intends for your Highest Desire to become realised. To finally become pregnant!

Let the Fertility Magic Begin.


Dr. Stephanie Farwell, Naturopathic Doctor, Bowen Therapist and Reiki Master

Check out the 2 options of working with me below!

Angel Fertility happy mom and baby

  • Learn the secret technique to communicate and bond with your baby prior to pregnancy!
  • Believe that the health of your baby starts BEFORE pregnancy, and you want to optimize your chance of not only a healthy pregnancy, but a healthy baby.
  • Stop suffering from endometriosis, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Irregular periods, which are adversely affecting your chances of getting pregnant.
  • Get your menstrual period back after getting off birth control pill.
  • Optimize your chances of conceiving NATURALLY!
  • Enhance your chances of successful IVF.
  • Change your partner’s sperm counts or poor sperm quality.
  • End struggling to get pregnant and want to know alternative methods to ensure your fertility.
  • Optimize your chances of successful IVF or IUI treatments.

Are you ready to be free of the disappointment and heartbreak of yet another negative test?

Are you ready to balance out your hormones and give your body, mind and spirit what it needs to remove the roadblocks?

Want a warm and loving support to walk with you in your fertility journey?

I invite you to work with me!

The 2 Angel Fertility Options:

The Foundational Angel Fertility Program-Online Only. Self Study.

For those outside of Ontario, or those who wish to receive the Foundational Angel Fertility program online material only.  You will be given access to the material within 1 business day after your payment has completed. This is a one-time payment, at home self-study course. You are not required to be a patient in the clinic to purchase. No refunds.

“Spread Your Wings
Full Experience Patient Option”

For residents of Ontario who wish to experience the magic of working with me, both the in-clinic aspect and online program. Simply book your initial visit using the button below. At the end of your first appointment you will be charged the cost of Foundation Angel Fertility Program ($997 + HST) plus the $300 Naturopathic consult. (Please use "Angel Fertility Program-New Patient Visit"). If you have Naturopathic coverage, the cost of the treatments will only be covered, not the Foundational program. We will then book you in for your bimonthly Fertility Reiki and Acupuncture sessions.($150 each)!

Book An Appointment


  1. How do I pay for the program?  Once you book your initial visit with Dr. Farwell under the ‘Angel Fertility Program-New Patient Visit’, the program will be added and charged at the end of first visit in addition to your $300 initial Naturopathic consult. The program is $997 plus HST. You will then receive a link to the program! You must be pay for and enroll for the online portion of the program to participate as the information in it is essential for success. This commitment is a big step!
  2. Do you offer a full refund? No, all of the material is given at once.
  3. Can I share this with a friend? No, this is for your and your partner’s personal use ONLY. It should not be shared without permission.
  4. How long will this program take? There are 7 modules in total. The first 4 are longer in length, the audios are up to 15 mins. The last 3 are shorter in duration as they build on the first 4 and are about 5 mins each. The eBook will take the time you need to do the inner work. 
  5. Can Dr. Farwell see patients outside of the province of Ontario? No.
  6. Can I just purchase the Angel Fertility program alone? You can purchase the Angel Fertility Program for educational and informational purposes only. In doing so, you are recognizing that you are not a patient of Dr. Stephanie Farwell, ND and she is therefore not liable for any actions you take based on the information. Always work with your Healthcare practitioner. See medical disclaimer below.


If you have any questions about the program prior to booking your first visit, please email at info@stephaniefarwellnd.ca, or book a discovery call!


Please note: this course is not to be used to diagnose, treat, or replace any advice or treatment from your Healthcare provider. It is for informational purposes only. Please see the medical disclaimer.


Medical Disclaimer

This course contains information with the sole intention of aiding the reader to be better informed and consumers of health care. It is presented as general advice on health care and is for information and educational only and is not specific to the reader. Information and opinions in this course is provided without warranties, including it being accurate, up-to-date, and complete or being non-misleading. Information provided in regards to conditions are only general in nature. It does not cover all possible actions, uses, contra-indications, side effects and interactions of medicines or any medical procedures. It is not to be used as a replacement for professional medical advice and care. Always seek and consult a licensed and regulated health care professional for your individual needs wherever and whenever indicated.

Before initiating any new exercise, nutritional or healthcare program one should seek medical advice from your personal physician and/or licensed, regulated health care professional. The information in this course is not to be construed as personal diagnosis or advice, and must not be used in this manner.

This course is not intended to be substitute for the medical advice or opinion of a licensed and regulated health care professional and/or physician. Dr. Stephanie Farwell, ND should not be held liable should a user suffer from any loss or injury after relying upon the information in this course. The reader should consult with their personal doctor or licensed, regulated health care professional in any matters, including medical advice, opinion, diagnosis and treatment suggestions, or in any matters relating to his/her health. You should never delay seeking, disregard medical advice or discontinue any medical treatment due to information contained in this course. If you suspect or have an existing health problem, you should contact a licensed, regulated healthcare professional for immediate treatment.